Energy Manager

Features Industrial Institutional
Toronto Hydro introduces updated CDM programs July 1, 2015

July 6, 2015 - Starting this month, Toronto Hydro has introduced the Ontario Ministry of Energy’s “refreshed” Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) programs.

July 6, 2015  By  Renée Francoeur

Most other local distribution companies will launch them by January 1, 2016, the utility noted.

“The transition will be seamless, and in fact, from a customer’s perspective this next generation of programs is indistinguishable from the existing ones,” Toronto Hydro said.

Additional programs and/or changes to the current programs will be introduced in late 2016, the company added.

Toronto Hydro said it recommends customers take advantage of the programs, which offer incentives for “every type” of business. For example, the Retrofit Program pays up to 50% for a broad range of upgrades, including LED lighting. For large industrial customers, the Process & Systems Program pays up to 70% of total project costs.


Toronto Hydro’s energy experts—whose services are free— are available to help those interested get started with the application process.

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