Energy Manager

Sunnybrook and Honeywell complete innovative solar installation

TORONTO, ON – Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Honeywell today celebrated the completion of an innovative solar photovoltaic installation during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Bayview Campus in Toronto. The new installation, part of a $28-million facility renewal program that also includes a variety of energy-efficient upgrades, will help the hospital cut energy costs and reduce its environmental impact.
More than 140 solar panels spanning two stories of a parking garage are expected to generate nearly 27,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually — enough energy to power 150 medical ventilators. The panels are mounted vertically on the wall of the structure, which is located at the main entrance of the campus; so they will serve as a visual reminder of the hospital’s conservation efforts, as well as produce clean, renewable energy. In addition, a display near the parking garage will educate visitors and staff on photovoltaic technology, and provide real-time information on power generation and carbon emissions reduction.

Honeywell will also add a second solar array on the roof of the hospital’s U-wing, which will be more than twice the size of the parking garage installation. Combined, the two arrays will form the largest solar power generation system at a healthcare facility in Canada.

“Today marks a major milestone on our path to becoming a greener and more sustainable healthcare facility,” said Dr. Barry McLellan, President and CEO, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. “This program with Honeywell has allowed us to focus on our primary goal of delivering the highest quality patient care possible, while demonstrating our leadership in energy conservation and environmental stewardship.”

As part of the comprehensive facility renewal program, Honeywell will also:
·         Replace chillers and cooling towers with more energy-efficient models that use environmentally-friendly refrigerants.
·         Install high-efficiency lighting systems and control strategies that provide beter illumination while using less energy.
·         Upgrade and optimize ventilation, heating and cooling equipment.
·         Upgrade building automation systems to improve energy management.

Sunnybrook will finance the work using the energy and operational savings the improvements generate to pay for the project. Those savings, approximately $2.7 million per year over the next 15 years, are guaranteed by Honeywell under a performance contract with the hospital. This ensures the upgrades will protect capital budgets and minimize risk. In addition, Sunnybrook’s green initiatives make it eligible for more than $1 million in various grants and federal funding that will be applied to the program.

Along with reducing costs, the program will also have a significant environmental impact, cutting annual greenhouse emissions by an estimated 9,000 metric tons. According to Environment Canada, this is equivalent to removing 1,400 cars from the road. Honeywell also will recycle the equipment removed from the facility in an environmentally-friendly manner.

The program has also given momentum to broader eco-focused initiatives within the organization, including the annual “Earth Matters” showcase designed to foster a better understanding of energy conservation across the hospital and surrounding community, and drive further environmental benefits and energy savings. The event showcases project information, green-themed resources, information on available rebates, and tips to help staff, patients and visitors improve their environment at work, in the car and at home.

“Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is taking a proactive approach to environmental responsibility and energy consumption,” said Luis Rodrigues, Vice President of Energy Solutions for Honeywell Building Solutions. “Through this energy retrofit and facility renewal program, we are pleased to help the hospital become more energy efficient and environmentally conscious for its patients, staff, visitors and the greater Toronto community.”
Honeywell expects to complete all the facility upgrades by year’s end.

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September 9, 2009  By Newswire

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