Energy Manager

SCTE to form subcommittee to develop new standards practices

The Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) is creating a new technical subcommittee within the SCTE Standards Program to develop standards and recommended practices for energy management and related topics.


The SCTE says the Sustainability Management Subcommittee (SMS), which is being created in conjunction with SCTE's Smart Energy Management Initiative (SEMI), will leverage the existing operations expertise of the SCTE Standards Program, as well as proven procedures from the energy management and recycling sectors. The subcommittee will be responsible for identifying best practices for reducing power consumption and costs, increasing operating efficiency and minimizing disposal effects of outdated equipment.


An organizational meeting of the SMS will be conducted in early September. Existing and new members of the SCTE Standards Program—most notably those who are experts in energy management solutions—are invited and encouraged to attend, says the organization.


“Taking steps to better use and re-use our resources is vitally important to the long-term success of the cable industry,” said Jerry Parkins, chair of SCTE's Engineering Committee and director, technology and standards for Comcast. “As we move into this new area of focus, we believe that there is tremendous value in making it possible to complement the existing knowledge base of the SCTE Standards Program with subject matter experts from outside of the industry.”


The September meeting is intended to establish projects and associated working groups. Initial topics under consideration for further work include:


·         Best practices for facilities management in the area of energy utilization

·         Standards or guidelines for the design of equipment for use in facilities

·         The use of a management systems standard

·         Standards or recommended practices for fleet management and related outside plant activities

·         Recommended practices for recycling CPE.


The SCTE encourage members of its Standards Program to submit suggestions for additional work topics. Organizations that are not members of the SCTE Standards Program are encouraged to join the program to work with key stakeholders.


Online membership is available through the SCTE website at


June 21, 2010  By  John Gilson

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