Energy Manager

Government of Canada invests in B.C. solar energy project

Minister of State Gary Lunn has announced that the Government of Canada is investing $3.9 million in the community-scale solar project of Colwood, B.C., to help boost Canada's clean energy industry and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

January 24, 2011  By  Alyssa Dalton

“Investing in clean energy technologies stimulates the growth of a domestic clean energy industry, creating high-quality jobs for Canadians,” he said.

The funding will support the development of a multi-faceted plan to increase the energy efficiency of new buildings and reduce emissions from existing buildings.

The project will include retrofitting municipal buildings with solar energy, working with developers to build new model energy-efficient buildings, working with homeowners to retrofit up to 1,000 homes, and installing electric vehicle-charging infrastructure throughout the city.

“We are aiming to help retrofit 1,000 Colwood homes with solar hot water and other clean energy upgrades over the next three years,” said mayor David Saunders. “Solar Colwood incentives will cover a significant portion of the cost of installation of solar hot water heating. Our mission is to help residents and business owners achieve significant savings on their energy bills at a time when costs are on the rise.”


Since 2006, the Government of Canada has invested more than $10 billion to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build a more sustainable environment through investments in green infrastructure, energy efficiency, clean energy technologies and the production of cleaner energy and cleaner fuels, read the press release by Natural Resources Canada.


“Moving forward aggressively with investments in clean energy technologies will help us reach our target and balance our need for energy with our need to protect the environment,” added Lunn.



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