Energy Manager

Funding announced to help Ontarians save energy in homes and businesses

April 11, 2018 — The governments of Canada and Ontario recently announced a federal investment of up to $100 million to help the people of Ontario make energy-efficient retrofits to their homes and businesses.

April 11, 2018  By  Ellen Cools

This funding will support the province’s GreenON Rebates program, which will assist property owners make energy efficiency changes such as installing better insulation, high-efficiency ventilation systems and heat pumps, and other devices to save energy and reduce costs.

Through the program, property owners are currently eligible for rebates up to $7,200 on new insulation; $5,000 in savings on replacement windows; $5,800 in savings on some air source heat pumps; and $20,000 in savings on the installation of some certified ground source heat pumps.

As part of its Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), Ontario is investing up to $1.7 billion over the coming years in GreenON to support a range of programs.

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