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FortisBC spending “a record $695.8 million” to help customers reduce energy consumption

February 22, 2024  By  Anthony Capkun

Record energy efficiency funding will mean more support for deeper-level energy-saving building upgrades, says FortisBC. Source: CNW Group/FortisBC.

February 22, 2024 – FortisBC reports it will spend close to $700 million to help customers reduce their energy use over the next four years.

“With this funding, we can support some of the most challenging but impactful ways to reduce energy use, and help transform how customers use energy in their homes and businesses,” said Joe Mazza, vice-president, Energy Supply and Resource Development, FortisBC.

Specifically, FortisBC is approved to invest $626.7 million to support its gas customers in lowering their energy use following the BC Utilities Commission’s (BCUC) approval of its Demand-Side Expenditures Plan.

The company will invest a further $68.1 million on energy-saving programs for its electricity customers in the Southern Interior.


This plan, says FortisBC, is projected to lower GHG emissions by just over 740,000 tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) over the life of these measures. Most of these reductions are expected to come from buildings and industry.

The funding allows FortisBC to shift its efforts “to more advanced energy efficiency initiatives, build its next generation of energy-saving programs, and work with Indigenous communities to develop targeted programs for their unique needs”.

A key area, continues FortisBC, will be developing programs for dual-fuel hybrid heating systems so that customers can pair an electric heat pump with a high-efficiency gas furnace.

Visit for a complete list of energy conservation programs and rebates.


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