Energy Manager

Energy Efficiency News
Federal government awards leaders in energy efficiency

Last Wednesday the Government of Canada presented the ENERGY STAR Market Transformation Awards, which recognize leadership in a wide range of energy-efficient products, technologies and services.


“Energy efficiency is an important tool for addressing climate change, promoting economic activity and supporting energy security,” said Pierre Poilievre, MP for Nepean-Carleton. “Our Government is pleased to recognize these organizations for their contribution to promoting energy efficiency, which helps Canadians control their energy costs.”


ENERGY STAR is the international symbol for premium energy efficiency. Introduced in Canada in 2001, the ENERGY STAR label is displayed on 50 product categories, including home electronics, major appliances, lighting, office equipment and residential heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment.


Depending on the type of product, an ENERGY STAR-qualified model can reduce energy consumption and costs by 10% to 65% compared with a conventional product. Energy-efficient products help reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants that contribute to climate change.


According to a Government of Canada news release, product advancements and the availability of more efficient products for consumers contributed to a 25% improvement in energy efficiency between 1990 and 2005, which translates into $6.1 billion in energy savings in 2005 for Canadians.


The Government of Canada says it’s committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020, a target in line with similar U.S. policy. Since 2006, the government has invested close to $10 billion to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build a more sustainable environment through investments in green infrastructure, energy efficiency, clean energy technologies and the production of cleaner energy and cleaner fuels.


For more information on ENERGY STAR, visit

June 11, 2010  By  John Gilson

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