Energy Manager


Powering the future: unlocking the potential of grid-integrated buildings – WEBINAR

May 16, 2024
Toronto (online) Show map

The Collective for the Advancement of Connected Buildings (CACB) invites you to attend the webinar “Powering the future: unlocking the potential of grid-integrated buildings”, hosted by the Proptech Collective, on May 16, 2024, from noon until 1 pm (EDT).


• Jamie Manson, McKeil Marine Ltd. (Moderator)
• Greg Robart, Smart Grid Innovation Network
• Hadia Awad, National Research Council Canada
• Adam Moustafa, BGIS
• Sarah Simmons, Power Advisory



“Canada needs to electrify to decarbonize. While Ontario claims to have a clean grid due to the large nuclear power contribution, nuclear power provides only a flat supply of electricity and does not deal well with power peaks,” say organizers.

As such, if the existing power supply peaks further (i.e. increases due to the electrification of heating and electric vehicles), then we will require gas-powered peaker plants to meet demand. “This will significantly increase GHG emissions”.

To address peak reduction and flattening the peak curve, CACB says buildings must have interactive features to dynamically respond to changing conditions. Buildings should be ‘grid-responsive’—able to adapt their usage to time-of-use pricing and occupants’ usage profiles.

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