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Canada Green Buildings Strategy to ban oil furnace installations in new builds as early as 2028

Program looks to encourage transition away from oil furnace heating with new build ban and heat pump incentives.

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July 17, 2024  By  Jack Burton

The Canada Green Buildings Strategy, released this week, details the Federal government’s plans to increase energy efficiency across the housing sector, including a commitment to ban the installation of oil furnace systems in new construction as soon as 2028 and financial incentives for Canadians to purchase and install heat pumps in their homes. The legislation banning oil furnace installations will apply to provinces where similar measures are not previously in place; with this ban already existing in Quebec and Nova Scotia committing to similar regulations. Exemptions will also be extended to regions lacking sufficient access to the electricity grid, where backup fuel sources are required. The document does not detail any plans regarding the legislative enforcement of this upcoming ban on oil-fired furnaces. The Canada Green Buildings Strategy also introduces the Canada Greener Homes Affordability Program (CGHAP) as a replacement for the Canada Greener Homes Grant (CGHG) for assisting homeowners and tenants in switching to heat pump systems. The CGHAP is an $800 million program for assisting low-to-median-income homeowners and tenants across Canada to retrofit their homes free of charge using a “direct install” model where installations are managed and delivered by third parties. The report also mentions new planned amendments to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Act (EE Act), where between 2024 and 2026 new amendments to the Energy Efficiency Regulations are planned, including Amendment 18 – which will see the update or addition of energy efficiency or testing standards for a series of products including air conditioners, heat pumps, gas-fired furnaces (commercial) and storage water heaters, as well as electric and oil-fired water heaters (household). “As we work toward ending Canada’s housing crisis, we need to ensure the longevity of new and existing buildings by making them more energy efficient and resilient to the impacts of climate change,” said Hon. Sean Fraser, Canada’s Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and communities. “We are proud to announce these investments today that will go a long way in doing just that across the country.” The Canada Green Buildings Strategy is part of the Federal government’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan; a sector-based approach to Canada’s goal of reducing emissions to at least 40 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. Funding for the strategy comes from the 2024 budget. The post Canada Green Buildings Strategy to ban oil furnace installations in new builds as early as 2028 appeared first on HPAC Magazine.

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