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Features Net Zero Residential
Buying a “power smart” home piece of cake, says Manitoba Hydro

October 2, 2015 - Manitoba home buyers are going to find it easier than ever before to buy a “power smart” home, thanks to a new program being launched, says Manitoba Hydro. The Power Smart for New Homes program will see Manitoba Hydro partnering with the new home construction industry to increase the energy efficiency of new Manitoba homes.

October 2, 2015  By  Renée Francoeur

Under the program, Manitoba homebuilders can receive incentives directly from Manitoba Hydro to assist them in designing for innovation and incorporating new energy efficient technologies in their homes. These rebates mean builders can bring the latest technologies to home buyers at a lower cost, according to Manitoba Hydro.

“The program’s objective is to lead the development of innovation in energy efficiency by partnering with builders who are at the forefront of the industry,” said Lloyd Kuczek, vice-president of customer care & energy conservation with Manitoba Hydro. “It goes beyond recent advancements in the Manitoba Building Code toward the next generation of code changes, helping builders be the leaders of this change.”

Other new home standards that have made “significant strides in promoting efficiency” will also be supported by the program, the utility added. “We view these programs as allies in our quest for more energy efficient homes. For that reason, programs such as Passive House, Net Zero, R2000, and others, are compatible with Power Smart for New Homes,” Kuczek explained.

Power Smart homes not only have lower ownership costs, but they are often more comfortable, durable, and hold their value better than homes without energy efficient upgrades, Manitoba Hydro noted.


If 10% of new homes in Manitoba are built power smart by 2020, the program will have saved enough energy to power 330 homes for a year, and reduced carbon emissions equivalent to taking over 1000 cars off the road, Manitoba Hydro stated.

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