Energy Manager

EM Honours – Energy Manager Canada awards (2024)
Best HVACR/Plumbing Solution

This award recognizes an HVACR/Plumbing solution available in the Canadian market that advances the state of the art with regard to proactive energy management, energy efficiency and/or decarbonization. Nomination fee: $40.00.

Nominee Information

Nominator Contact Information

The person filling out this form.
Work Location(Required)

HVACR/Plumbing Solution Details

(250 words, approx. 1800 characters including spaces)
(250 words, approx. 1800 characters including spaces)


$ 0.00 CAD

The HVACR/Plumbing solution must be available in the Canadian market, serving any sector (e.g. industrial, commercial, institutional, residential, municipal).

Nominators must explain how the HVACR/Plumbing solution contributes (or will contribute) to an overall proactive energy management strategy to deliver beneficial, measurable results.

N.B. By submitting a nomination form, Nominators assure Energy Manager Canada of the accuracy of the information provided and, further, are in a position to provide this information to Energy Manager Canada free of further permissions.